Thursday, December 23, 2010

Money Money Money

To coin a phrase " Money is the Route to all evil". And it is if you think about all those dirty sins and debt we are all in.

But that is not what I am here to write about. I'm here to ask, actually challenge anyone who is up for it to clear up thier debt.

On January 2011 we have rid ourself of one less credit card! YIPPY!

The new year is apon us so why not start out better then we left the old year. We all have wants and dreams and the reality of that is those wants dreams won't be handed to you or majically appear on your front steps. And what ever you want or dream up is going to cost ya so your going to have to work for it.
I'm not saying what worked for us will work for you but I do have a few tips that just might help.

First remember this and always remember this, nothing is perfect, nothing stays the same things come up and best to deal with those issues as they happen.

Here are my tips.

If you eat out a lot keep a record of that for a month then add it up you will be surprised how much that lunch everday does adds up. Say you spend a minimum of $5 a day x 5 days x 4 weeks = $100.00 a month. Relistically most spend $10 which would be $200 a month!

1. Start small If you go out to lunch every day decide to pick one day you will bring a lunch.

2. Plan you meals, make a menu and then purchase those items you need to make your meals for the week. Try to stick to you grocery list but if there is something your just dying to have limit it to one item. Make enough for leftovers the next day. Use leftover for lunch.
Yes this requires you to cook do you need to be a chief heck no!

3. Think before you buy.
I call this the art of laying a guilt trip on yourself. OMG that dress will look so hot on me I need it. (here comes the guilt) SERIUOSLY?? and where are you going to wear it around the house? To work? Oh to a party? YES to a party. What party? hmmm could point self what party?

4. Set a budget, a realistic budget
Ok everyone has heard it budget blah blah blah, however when I say realistic budget I mean pay yourself first you have worked hard for that money so why not enjoy it. We give ourselfs a $200 monthly limit for money can be used for dinner out, movies, drinks with friends etc.

5. Don't use Peter to pay Paul, meaning don't switch debt between credit cards.
Limited time offer of 0% interest is hard to pass up but at the same time if you can't pay that debt before time on the offer is up you'll end up paying double the interest. Plus alot of cards charge you an upfront fee to switch your debt to thier card.

If anyone out there can stick to at least one of these 5 tips you'll be on your way to being better at life and have better control of your financials. Is it work? Yes but think of it as this, an investment in your health and well being.

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